• 21/12/2021 18.42

CY4GATE: Publication of the information document on the most significant transactions with related parties

  • 17/12/2021 02.39

CY4GATE signs a preliminary agreement for the acquisition of 100% of AURORA Holding Group

The acquisition aims to create the national center of Cyber Intelligence and Cyber Security

After the conclusion of the transaction, CY4GATE intends to start the preparatory steps for translisting on the regulated market Euronext Milan

  • 29/11/2021 14.14

CY4GATE will be at the MID&SMALL IN MILAN 2021

  • 18/11/2021 07.35

CY4GATE is awarded a major contract for the supply of its proprietary cyber intelligence and cyber security technologies to an international client - the 1-year contract is worth € 2.3 million

  • 04/11/2021 07.44

CY4GATE announces that it has signed a new contract with a Big Italian High-Tech Corporation. The 1-year contract is worth a total of approximately €1.9 million

  • 20/10/2021 7.25

CY4GATE and REEVO have signed a long-term agreement for the provision of advanced cyber security services using RTA technologies integrated in the cloud

  • 22/09/2021 19.29

CY4GATE’s Board of Directors has:

Approved the management report at 30 June 2021

Revenues show double‐digit growth on 1h 2020 with excellent profit margins

Most opportunities will mature in the second half of the year due to the seasonal nature of the business

High investments in line with forecasts at the time of the IPO systems engineers and sales representatives of high standing hired to develop new and increasingly sophisticated cyber products and drive marketing in Italy and abroad

  • 04/08/2021 18.01

At the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting, CY4GATE’s shareholders approved the appointment of new members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Statutory Auditors 

  • 20/07/2021 10.21

Cy4gate si aggiudica un contratto per l’implementazione di un importante attività di ricerca e sviluppo nel settore della Cyber Intelligence e Cyber Security applicata al mondo dell’Aerospace & Defence, con una importante azienda europea dell’aerospazio e difesa del valore di circa € 200.000 (soon available in English)

  • 05/07/2021 14.54

CY4GATE wins contract with a total value of approximately €500,000 from a major Italian high-tech company, continuing its strategy for consolidating its position in the corporate market

  • 02/07/2021 18.07

Statutory Auditor Marco Fiorentino resigns from Board of Statutory Auditors of CY4GATE

  • 26/05/2021 09.32

CY4GATE participates in the “AIM Italia Conference 2021 Virtual Edition” organised by Borsa Italiana

  • 17/05/2021 18.20

CY4GATE: extraordinary shareholders’ meeting of 17 may 2021

  • 13/05/2021 15.20

CY4GATE wins a contract worth a total of €450,000 with a leading Italian High-Tech company

  • 10/05/2021 20.03

Postponement of discussion of the first point on the agenda of the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting of 17 may 2021

  • 30/04/2021 18.23

Clarifications regarding indiscretions in the press about negotiations to Acquire Rcs Etm Sicurezza S.p.A. (owner of the “RCS LAB” brand)

  • 20/04/2021 10.07

CY4GATE announces that the exclusive Due Diligence is under way in preparation for a business combination agreement with a target in the Cyber Intelligence – Decision Intelligence sector

  • 31/03/2021 19.05

CY4GATE ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting

  • 22/03/2021 16.10

CY4GATE wins a series of contracts in March worth over €600,000 with leading government clients and big corporations

  • 16/03/2021 08.04

 Notice of the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting

  • 26/02/2021 18.13

CY4GATE’S Board of Directors approves the draft Financial Statements at 31 December 2020

  • 23/02/2020 09.02

CY4GATE signs a partnership agreement with ENGINEERING

  • 19/02/2021 07.38


  • 11/02/2021 08.43

CY4GATE wins a contract with a leading military agency for the development of complex capability to protect the systems embedded in certain types of critical infrastructure

  • 28/01/2021 13.46

2021 Calendar of corporate events

  • 26/01/2021 09.34

CY4GATE will supply complex cyberintelligence and cybersecurity systems to two government navy agencies in North America and the Gulf

  • 22/01/2021 18.55

Analysed the preliminary statements as of 31 December 2020

Revenues and margins above expectations and market estimates in

Significant growth vs. Fy2019 revenues + 80% and EBITDA approximately +100%

Presented and approved the 2021-2023 strategic plan

Revenues for 2023 with a CAGR of growth of approximately 40% Margins over 40%

Through organic growth driven by proprietary cyber products alone, overseas expansion and increased corporate customers

Eugenio Santagata will take over an important position in a leading Italian technology group as of April 1st, remaining on cy4gate’s board of directors as well as a member of CY4GATE’s newly set up strategic committee

Emanuele Galtieri, already deputy general manager of the company, proposed as new CEO of CY4GATE

  • 15/01/2021 11.55

CY4GATE is named Cyber Deputy Industry Rapporteur for the European Defence Agency

  • 08/01/2021 19.16

CY4GATE strengthens its executive management team


CY4GATE is awarded a major contract for the supply of its proprietary cyber intelligence and cyber security technologies to an international client - the 1-year contract is worth € 2.3 million



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