HITS is a Software Platform designed to support the institutions involved in the health emergency. The “web-based” platform gathers, elaborates and aggregates geolocation data from mobile devices, allowing the identification of potential Coronavirus outbreaks not yet known.

HITS processes the data that are made available by users with positive results, thus allowing to track their movements, starting from 2/4 weeks before the infection.
The simultaneous cross-check of different tracks will allow to identify high risk areas thanks to Artificial Intelligence algorithms, taking into account the simultaneous presence of several infected individuals.
In addition, Cy4gate has created an APP that allows, always on a voluntary and anonymous basis, to timely store movements via GPS and telephone cells and WIFI Access Point. These data will then be stored in encrypted mode on the subject's phone. The individual who is infected will be able to authorize access to his data, allowing the authorities to see exactly the path he took and if he came into contact with other subjects, via Bluetooth, who have the same APP, and who have been exposed at risk of contagion.
The application requires the user's consent to data collection and exclusive use for the purpose of managing emergency health situations such as that of COVID-19, therefore in total respect for privacy.